How Often Do I Need a Drain Inspection?

Homeowners often forget about the health of their pipes when everything is in good working order. Then disaster strikes, and they face a flooded backyard and a huge repair bill.

Staying on top of drain maintenance with regular inspections gives you peace of mind that your pipes won’t surprise you without warning.

Let’s explore how often you need an inspection, the factors influencing that decision and the benefits of finding a professional you trust.

Why Regular Drain Inspections Are Important

During a drain inspection, technicians look for any signs of damage, wear and tear, cracks, leaks, blockages, foreign objects, root intrusion, mould or sediment buildup.

Arranging regular inspections of your pipes’ internal and external infrastructure allows for the early identification of potential issues before they become more serious. Detecting issues early can prevent flooding or other water damage and the need for expensive and intrusive repairs or replacements. An annual inspection is much easier and more cost-effective than a premature complete drainage system replacement.

leaves and sticks in drain

Factors Influencing Drain Inspection Frequency

1 – Age of the Property

Older drainage systems face unique issues compared to their modern counterparts, making regular inspections even more crucial. They’re more susceptible to leaks, blockages, and erosion, which can impact the reliability of your water flow and, in some cases, lead to health hazards like mould growth, bacteria proliferation, and water contamination.

During a drain inspection, our experts can identify potential dangers, deal with them promptly, and safeguard your household’s water supply. Our maintenance services can be tailored to the needs of older systems, helping your drains stay in good condition for longer.

The Relining Company is here to help when it’s time to upgrade or replace your old systems. Our innovative trenchless solution minimises disruption and maximises value, so relining can be a hassle-free and durable solution.

Newer properties also benefit from regular inspections. When moving into or building a new home, we recommend additional initial checks to ensure everything is in working order and to catch any construction defects or early issues.

2 – Usage Patterns

Higher usage often leads to more wear and tear, impacting drain performance. Properties used by large families or as commercial establishments will likely need more frequent drain inspections than other lower-use buildings.

For example, the drainage system in a hospital is constantly used at all hours. At the same time, in a restaurant, a higher amount of grease and food waste finds its way into the pipes, increasing the potential for buildup or blockage.

In both of these scenarios, more regular drain inspections than in a single-occupancy home would be beneficial to prevent issues such as water backup, foul sewage smells, or sink clogs.

At The Relining Company, we can tailor CCTV drain inspections to best suit the needs of your residential or commercial property and usage patterns.

3 – Previous Drain Issues

A recurring issue with your plumbing or drainage system should never be ignored. In fact, it’s likely a sign of a more serious underlying problem in your pipes. A diagnostic inspection followed by routine post-completion checks is the recipe for good long-term pipe health.

Speak to your technician to schedule frequent inspections in the months and years after any significant repairs. These regular check-ups provide an opportunity to monitor the newly refurbished pipes and ensure optimal performance moving forward.

pipe after fixing

Keeping a record of previous findings allows your plumber to enter future inspections with additional information about specific and recurring problem points in your systems.

At The Relining Company, our state-of-the-art camera technology and advanced diagnostics tools allow us to address the root causes of recurring issues to ensure they don’t escalate into anything more serious.

4 – Environmental Factors

The environment can wreak havoc on your drainage systems in many ways, including local climate challenges, natural disasters, weather conditions, proximity to trees, and potential root intrusion.

Australian residents are well-informed on the impact natural disasters can have on the country, whether through intense bushfires, fierce cyclones, or forceful flooding. However, they may not realise the direct effect extreme weather can have on their pipes. Fire heat can damage pipes, flooding often leads to sediment buildup and water contamination, and storms can overwhelm drains and gutters.

Neglecting pipes after a natural disaster can lead to more serious and expensive issues. Therefore, if you experience such events, it’s recommended that you arrange additional inspections outside your usual schedule.

The position of your property in relation to trees and their roots can also impact the frequency of checks needed. If tree roots enter your drainage system, they grow and cause blockages, cracks, and potentially severe damage. This is a serious problem in Australian homes but can now be dealt with without the need for excavation or pipe replacement.

While once a complex problem to fix, involving excavation and pipe replacement, our trenchless relining services allow us to clean out the roots and repair the pipes without ever having to dig.

Our expert plumbers and technicians are well equipped to deal with any problems the environment may throw at your drainage systems. We’re ready to service your pipes, no matter how big or small the issue.

Regular Drain Inspection Schedules

The general recommendation for a modern property with no recurring issues is to schedule professional drain inspections yearly.

That said, you should also perform regular health checks yourself, looking for signs of leaks or damage, including stains on walls or water pools under the sink or toilet. Additionally, if you notice issues such as a clog, sewer smells, debris buildup or slow drainage, you should book an inspection ahead of schedule so that an expert can diagnose and fix the problem before it escalates.

As discussed, a huge range of factors can impact the inspection frequency needs of your specific property. Contact our experts today for a more tailored recommendation.

performing drain inspection

Benefits of Professional Drain Inspections

Investing in comprehensive assessments and long-term maintenance is crucial for maintaining the overall health of your drainage systems.

At The Relining Company, our advanced tools allow us to offer reliable and efficient services to your property, including CCTV drain inspections, trenchless pipe relining, robotic cutting and pipe leak repair.

Choosing a reputable and trusted expert to conduct your inspection, whether annually or more frequently, results in a permanent solution with minimal downtime and intrusion.

Arrange a Drain Inspection Now

Whether you’ve noticed an issue, or it’s been a year since you last had your pipes professionally checked, book an inspection with The Relining Company today!

Don’t wait until it’s too late; book a free consultation with one of our experts and experience our reputable and friendly services and excellent workmanship.

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